Thursday, January 7, 2010

Krugman the Politician - Paul Krugman Blog

Paul Krugman
Bernanke and the bubble - Paul Krugman Blog -
Bernanke's presentation suggests that the Fed is still using some of the flawed methodology that helped it miss the bubble.

Desert bubbles - Paul Krugman Blog -
Even when cities are surrounded by a lot of empty space, that doesn't mean that development can sprawl as easily as in Atlanta or Houston.
The Bonddad Blog: Krugman the Politician
Krugman is essentially arguing that the current economic news is in fact a "blip" -- good news that is transitory, largely because of the "inventory bounce." He then argues that the good news will all go away soon. ...

Busch: The Krugman and I - CNBC
While I rarely agree with the Nobel prize winning Dr. Krugman, I have to admit this is exactly the risk the Chinese face. The odd twist to this is that the United States will not be leading the way on bringing trade suits to the WTO.

Running 'Cause I Can't Fly: Paul Krugman, 'Down is Up'
by Paul Krugman. "From Marketwatch: "Treasurys dip after ADP shows jobs increase: Treasurys fell on Wednesday, sending yields higher, after a report that showed private-sector employment increased in December. ...

CHINA-WIRE В» Krugman's ominous greeting unfounded
I have taken a few economics classes and I got to meet Paul Samuelson 10 years ago at MIT, when Krugman's office was on the same floor. Yet Samuelson, quoted by Krugman as if he were the Bible in his article, would disagree with ...

Krugman's China Hit-Job Is More Blame-The-Victim Nonsense
The Nobel Laureate's attack on Chinese mercantilism gets it exactly backwards.

Paul Krugman: Farewell to the Big Zero | Disinformation
PAUL KRUGMAN writes in the New York Times: Maybe we knew, at some unconscious, instinctive level, that it would be an era best forgotten. Whatever the reason, we got through the first decade of the new millennium without ever agreeing ...

Krugman: American Economy Will Not Recover for a Long Time | zero ...
Well damn now I'm confused...It used to be t hat I could look at what Krugman was saying and automatically know the opposite is true...but I don't see a recovery here. So is Krugman actually trying to make a correct call for a change? ...

Have you read Paul Krugman, "The Conscience of a Liberal"?
“The key point is that ever since the Reagan years, the Republican Party has been dominated by radicals — ideologues and/or apparatchiks who, at a fundamental level, do not accept anyone else’s right to govern.” – Paul Krugman, “The Politics of Spite,” NY Times, Oct. 5, 2009.

Do you agree, the Republican party does not accept anyone else's right to govern?
For example, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are there simply to make conservatives feel good about what they believe and Keith Olberman are there to make liberals feel good about what they believe. Who are some liberals and conservatives who actually present adult, mature arguments without having to raise their voice? The only I think of right now that are popularly known are Paul Krugman on the left and George Will on the right. With a little more practice and study, Megan McCain may be able to do this, but she's too young for anyone to take her that seriously.

Who are some pundits who actually make real arguments?
To Obama's recent Job Summit that featured union bosses and the Bolshevik's favored economist Paul KrugmanAmerica's beloved leader. that's who

When Ed Schultz speaks of 'the influence of special interests' is he referring?
Paul Krugman, Andrew Carnegie or Steve Jobs

Who should I do my report on?
Hi I'm writing a paper about the writing styles of Paul Krugman in his NY times articles, his values, etc. and i'm having a bit of a difficulty doing so. so if there's anything particular that stands out about him could you write it down? Here are his articles if you need to familiarize yourself with them.

Paul Krugman as a journalist?
Hi I'm writing a paper about the writing styles of Paul Krugman in his NY times articles, his values, etc. and i'm having a bit of a difficulty doing so. so if there's anything particular that stands out about him could you write it down?

Writing styles of Paul Krugman?
Check this out if you got time: (Above link includes all the sources) Looks like he was scared of inflation when Bush was president. But now that Obama was spending like crazy, he stopped worrying and talking about many, many things he was worried about prior to Obama being president. Is he an economist or a blind worshipper of Obama? Just for a sneak peek, here is something he once said: "My prediction is that politicians will eventually be tempted to resolve the crisis the way irresponsible governments usually do: by printing money, both to pay current bills and to inflate away debt. And as that temptation becomes obvious, interest rates will soar." Wow.......You got anything to add to the topic at hand, David H or just partisan ranting? I never worshipped deficit spending. You just assume things? And if its god nothing to do with me, then WTF is the point of posting this? Nice way to dodge.

Did Paul "O-bot" Krugman deserve his Nobel Prize? Is he an economist or a blind Obama worshipper?
I have noticed lately that conservatives are trying to blame high unemployment on Barack Obama 9 months in office. However this graph from the bureau of labor shows that the steep trajectory in unemployment began well into Bush's second term. Under Bush's watch, caused by deregulation. Forgetting that jobs are a lag indicator vis a vis the stock market(econ 101) and that a massive economic collapse takes longer than 9 months for everything to get back to normal, conservatives seem to indicate that the job market could be better if Obama cut taxes for the wealthy(again!) and deregulated(which is what got us into this mess in the first place). However the rate of job creation under Bush's tax cuts and deregulations was significantly poorer than under Clinton. Jobs added to the economy counteract jobs being lost. This is job creation vs. destruction. These figures here reveal Bush's net added jobs didn't even amount to a full percentage point whereas Clinton had several percentage points. In fact we see Democratic Presidents overall have higher percentages than Republican Presidents. Just look at Carter's in one term compared to Ford and Nixon before him and Reagan after! If you doubt the validity of the wiki figures they come from the bureau of labor statistics. Here is the link. So are conservatives right about job creation?

Are conservatives right about Republicans and job creation?
Hate in America is a marketing tool and the left is milking it for all it’s worth – to push a liberal agenda. The New York Times’ Paul Krugman and others are laying the groundwork to go after conservative speech – on talk radio, on TV and maybe even in print. In each case, the media are blaming conservatives as haters and ignoring how filled with hate the left is. It’s a ridiculous double-standard.

Isn't it delusional for Liberals to Say Conservatives are Haters and then Hate Them for it?
I am doing a survey among Conservatives and Republicans. This is for research purposes. Please answer honestly and sincerely. The first eleven questions are yes/no: you can write more about it if you choose, but those details will not be included in the survey results. If you do not like the way the question is phrased, then just say no. The last question allows you to write more than yes/no. Thank you for your contributions. 1) Do you consider yourself a Republican? 2) Do you consider yourself a Conservative? 3) Do you believe Obama is a muslim? 4) Do you believe that Obama's birth certificate is a fake, and he is actually not a US citizen? 5) Do you believe Obama wants to kill your grandmother? 6) Do you believe Nobel prize winning economists like Paul Krugman, James Heckman, Robert Solow, and Dan McFadden are actually idiots because they disagree with your theory that cutting taxes solves all economic problems? 7) Do you lose sleep at night to see the stock markets improving under Obama, and most of the leading economists claiming that the recession is over and the economy is going upward from here? 8) Do you pray every night that the unemployment under Obama will go higher than Reagan's 10.8% unemployment in December 1983? 9) The years 2000-2009 is going down as the hottest decade on record, and the hottest 10 years on record have all been in the last 12 years. Despite this, there have been several internet media reports claiming that the earth has been cooling for the last 10 years. Do you believe the earth is in a cooling phase? 10) Do you believe that when the Bible says 'Thou shall not kill', it does not apply to creating wars with Muslim nations? 11) Do you believe liberals and Democrats are trying to destroy America's prosperity? 12) State your highest education level completed and how well you did at that level.As requested, here are the links about global warming: "NASA scientists – the best experts we have – tell us that the last ten years have been the hottest decade on record" "The ten warmest years all occur within the 12-year period 1997-2008."Note for Sawyer: you have the best answer among the Republicans/Conservatives, but you blew it at the end by saying most successful people did not graduate from college. That is wrong. Yes, there are prominent examples of those who didn't like Ray Kroc and Bill Gates, but they are the minority. Look at those leading forune 500 companies and over 95% have at least one college degree.

paul krugman
krugman blog
krugman wells
paul krugman articles
international economics krugman
krugman truth squad
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krugman microeconomics
martin krugman
krugman social security
Paul Krugman

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