Monday, December 14, 2009

Symptoms Of A Sociopath, Sociopathic Symptoms ( Sycophant )

Symptoms Of A Sociopath, Sociopathic Symptoms
Symptoms Of A Sociopath,Sociopathic Symptoms:Symptoms of a sociopath are important to know so you recognize one in your world.

Symptoms of a Sociopath
Symptoms of a sociopath include wide paraphernalia of behaviors arising from the disregard of the others rights, emotions or expectations. The symptoms ma...

Symptoms Of A Sociopath ( Sycophant ) В« Kinhd Anhra Videos
Other videos: sociopathic symptoms · sycophancy · sociopath. Other personality disorders closely related to it include borderli Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) has many symptoms, signs, causes, risk factors and treatments s ...

Symptoms of a Sociopath
The term sociopath referrers to a person having unsociable personality. This is a kind of endless psychological illness. Man suffering from sociopath does not.

Symptoms of a Sociopath 
comSymptoms of a sociopath are important to know so you recognize one in your world. Recently a friend and I were talking about sociopaths and the symptoms of ...What is a Sociopath?Daily News Trendsall 2 news articles В»

Health Wisdom: Symptoms of a Sociopath
The symptoms of sociopath: * Do not care about the feelings of others, chaotic, sadistic, and inconsiderate. * Attitude is extremely irresponsible and settled, and regardless of the norms, rules, and social obligations. ...

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Would a diagnosis of Antisocial Personality Disorder make me a sociopath?
October 07, 2009 October 07, 2009 The Trauma of Obama By Robin of Berkeley A new, conservative friend cracks up when she hears my phone message. As a therapist, I'm required to state, "If this is a psychiatric emergency, please call 911." Roaring with laughter, she says, "Robin, the whole country is having a psychiatric emergency!" And she's right, because people running this country are off: off balance, off-world, off-putting, off their meds. Gallows humor, a knot in your stomach when Obama speaks, poor sleep. Your body is telling you that something is wrong. Even out here, things are starting to feel spooky. While it's always weird central in Berkeley, now there's a malaise in the air. Yes, there are plenty of people so far into the communist schtick, they would gladly sacrifice their children, their granny, and their life savings for the Left. But most liberals still want their houses, jobs, Hondas and iPods. When they voted for Obama, they weren't giving a thumbs up for the country to go the way of ChГ©. So there's a strange, foreboding vibe in these parts; that creepy feeling you get when you know there's bad news ahead. Many liberals look dazed and confused because they have no language, no information, no way of understanding what in the world is going on. Interestingly, there's this eerie silence about Obama. You don't hear a peep about him. Or course, liberals are still foaming at the mouth about Sarah Palin, tea baggers, birthers, and all things conservative. But adulation for Obama: Missing in Action. A telling sign: the life size black and white cardboard doll of Obama in a storefront near my office has been taken down. Where did it go -- to the local recycling center with other discarded Obamabilia? Because I'm a psychotherapist, I'm intrigued by what goes on inside and outside. People not only suffer because of neurotic minds, but because of what people do to us when they abuse their power. The family dramas, problems at work, or dysfunction in D.C. unnerve us. As Presidential nominee, Michael Dukakis, indelicately put it, "Fish rots from the head down." We have people at the highest echelons of our government who may be rotting this nation. They espouse twisted notions of humanity, like de-evolution and forced sterilization. They eat, drink, and sleep revenge. They are throwing much of this country, at least those of us who are paying attention, into a psychiatric emergency -- into trauma. They dominate. They control. They terrorize. They are abusers. Which is no surprise if you understand where Obama comes from. He was not schooled in the Martin Luther King, Jr. tradition of unity and nonviolence, as most naive liberals thought. Obama was educated in the Malcolm X way, the American political mafiosi: the Weatherman, Black Panthers, Black nationalists. What were these groups' lesson plans? "Blue eyed devils," "Jewish dogs," "By any means necessary." While the media and schools have whitewashed history, these groups were filled to the rafters with gangsters. Today's young radicals use sociopaths like Huey P. Newton as their role models, not the beneficent King. So when Sarah Palin's life is threatened for speaking the truth, this is the work of thugs. When Michael Savage is banned in Britain for passionately defending our country, this is persecution. When citizens receive death threats for deigning to ask a question about health care, this is terror. Some people think that Obama is just a harmless sheep in wolf's clothing because he doesn't raise his voice. If his underlings cause mayhem, well, that's not his fault. But the best and the brightest of abusers never get their hands dirty. Their work is done through a look, a blank stare, a grin, a devilish laugh. They can incite trouble without lifting a finger. So if you feel uncomfortable, and tense, and scared, this is why. This is what abusers do. They cause terror in us because of something old and something new. The old: memories get triggered of past trauma: our bad tempered parent, or abusive spouse, or bully boss. The body remembers. Suddenly you are 6 or l3 or 30 again, and you may respond with the same helplessness and anger and panic. But there's also new trauma, what's happening right underneath our noses; the never ending assaults on our freedom. The daily force feeding of leftist ideology designed to control every aspect of our lives. The health care rationing that threatens our families. The strangling of business through Big Brother intrusions. Joining with dictators; yawning when Iran and North Korea threaten; abandoning our allies. Indoctrinating our children and trying to turn them into the little Benedict Arnold's. The trauma of Obama -- it's all around us, it may be in us if we're having symptoms of

Dou you find this traumatic?
I want to learn as much as I can about them. I have Conduct Disorder, Asperger's Syndrome and ADHD. I'm turning 18 this month and will be getting tested for Antisocial Personality Disorder soon. I have 17-18 of the 20 symptoms of Antisocial Personality Disorder. And 6-7 of the 7 diagnostic criteria.

What do you know about psychopaths and sociopaths?
Just wondering i keep seeing questions about them but everyone but me seems to know what a sociopath is. Just wondering.

What is a sociopath and what are symptoms of a sociopath?
I have to do a research paper on this topic and I have no idea where to start! can somebody please provide a basic outline on topics I should use(ex. symptoms and such) and terminologies i should define, etc etc?

Psychopathy/Sociopath essay outline HELP?
Okay to start off, I am a 14 year old girl. Over two years, here is what I have been doing/feeling. I used to think I'm depressed, but I realised there's more to it. I get angry and sad very very easily. I get angry over the tiniest thing. And when i get angry, I get sad. When I have these two emotions in my head, I tend to pull my hair a lot. I dont know why but inflicting pain on myself, such as pulling off hair makes me feel better in a way. I'm paranoid. Like very paranoid. I worry about things such as falling down, losing my phone, and forgetting to bring things, and and 5 minutes before I go out I go to the toilet like 2 or 3 times, for fear that I might need to use the toilet outside. I check my bag several times to make sure my phone is there within 5 minutes. Like after I put my water bottle in my bag, a minute later I'll open my back to check again. I don't know how to explain but I just cannot control it! I cannot stop worrying about things. Secondly, I do not like my friends. I have no idea why. I just don't like them, and I don't treat them as friends at all. I feel that living in a world with strangers is wonderful. I like being alone, but not with people I know. I like being alone with strangers! I'm not being petty but, when you see someone who wears the same type of socks, ties her hair the same wear, wear the same type of shoes, types like you, acts like you, talk like you, dont you get fustrated too? I know it's kind of normal, but I think for my case it's not normal anymore. I often think about killing all my "friends" when I'm in school. I know it's sick but i even thought of eating them up? I enjoy other people's failure, and feel sad when they are happy. I just like seeing people sad. When they laugh I get feel like punching them. I hate animals. I don't take meat, it's not because I love them too much. I hate them too much to eat them. I just feel likg killing all the cats and dogs in the world and everything including hamsters. I hate them all. It has occurred to me that I might be a sociopath, and I kinda like it? I have googled some symptoms of it, and did something like a check list. Persistent lying or stealing (started when I was 9) Superficial charm (I have no clear idea what does this means, but if my definition is right, yes) Apparent lack of remorse or empathy; inability to care about hurting others (Yes) Inability to keep jobs or stay in school (No) Impulsivity and/or recklessness (Yes) Lack of realistic, long-term goals — an inability or persistent failure to develop and execute long-term plans and goals Inability to make or keep friends, or maintain relationships such as marriage (Yes) Poor behavioral controls — expressions of irritability, annoyance, impatience, threats, aggression, and verbal abuse; inadequate control of anger and temper (Yes) Narcissism, elevated self-appraisal or a sense of extreme entitlement (No, I have low self esteem) A persistent agitated or depressed feeling (Yes) A history of childhood conduct disorders (No, My parents don't even care. I used to steal things like when I'm 9 but I lie to them) Recurring difficulties with the law (No) Tendency to violate the boundaries and rights of others (Yes) Substance abuse (No) Aggressive, often violent behavior; prone to getting involved in fights (Yes) Inability to tolerate boredom (Yes) Disregard for the safety of self or others (Yes) Persistent attitude of irresponsibility and disregard for social rules, obligations, and norms (Yes) Difficulties with authority figures (Yes) What do you all think of me?

I don't know what's wrong with me?
Here are the supposed symptoms of sociopathy. I have ticked the ones which I think apply to me: • Glib and superficial √√ • Egocentric and grandiose √ • Lack of remorse or guilt √√ • Lack of empathy √√ • Deceitful and manipulative √ • Shallow emotions √√ • Pathological Liar √√ • Impulsive √√ • Poor behavior controls √√ • Need for excitement √√ • Lack of responsibility √ • Early behavior problems • Adult antisocial behavior I've never committed a crime, physically attacked someone or taken drugs (which are commonly associated with sociopaths) and I haven't ever felt gratification from attacking anyone (because I've never actually attacked someone). Could I actually be a sociopath.Chris - I have been told by others that I display shallow emotions, impulsiveness, lack of empathy, remorse and guilt on a regular basis.

I think I might be a sociopath?
I ask because I just came to a realization today about it and wondered your opinions. Check this out: A lot of American girls want the best guy for them. And rightfully so. However, many of these girls go waaaaay over board and unrealistic with the kind of guy they want. Like for instance, a guy who's very wealthy, incredibly smart, super confident, amazingly charming, unbelieveably funny, an absolute leader, does much of the cooking, cleaning, basically superman. A make believe fantasy because no one is perfect, yet many girls will act as if they expect guys good enough for them to be that. HERE'S THE PROBLEM : These women chase after that kind of guy, finally find one, only to find out that the guy she thought was awesome, is a real life Sociopath. The reason why, is because he actually IS a Sociopath. He's a Sociopath because thats what real Sociopaths do. They're all about putting on the show of pretending to be more than human to get what they want out of people, and narcissistic women fall for it. These men (or women) are users with actual mental problems. Pathological liar is usually one of the symptoms. Sociopath definition link: Girls who are narcissictic enough to have incredibly unrealistic standards for guys, I think get exactly what they deserve, the Sociopath. Problem is, then these girls are arrogant enough to believe that all guys are sociopaths due to their own failure to realise the kind of guy they really need. Which they need a guy who is Human. Not Super Human. And so the outcome of that, is many American women pushing good men away, causing many men to avoid real relationships with women. Kind of a rant, but want your thoughts...Jester - "Whenever I hear a man going on about wanting a woman, it is usually a fatass internet nerd who lives in his parents basement, watches anime, plays warcraft, and has pizza sauce in his hair." HAHAHAHAHA!!!Rio - "but yours are impossibly low." Hahaha, Why are my standards impossibly low? I have high standards for the woman I want to be with, and women should have high standards as well. It's when people "high standards" merge intp unrealistic territory is where the problem is. I thought of this because of a situation a few people I know are in right now.theshadowknows - Exactly my point. Well said!Bluebeard's Wife - Clearly men do the same. They find the narcissistic, egocentric woman all the time. They're gravitated by her beauty, but she's a Venus Fly Trap. And clearly feminism is most strongest in America, and it has indeed created a sense of femal entitlement, whcih turns into narcissim and arrogance. You then end up with women with standards that are too high. That mostly happens in America, unless your saying all countries have the exact same culture with the exact same beliefs, with the exact same level of feminism.♥ ~Sigy the Arctic Kitty~♥ - HAHAHA people like you, who jump to factless conclusions are hillarious! I'm happily married moving into our 6th year. And women and I relate well together, I'm married so I keep my distance, haha. I asked this question because I know a guy who is a sociopath in a relationship with a b!!!tchy woman. I tyhink the reason you responded so harshly, is because your problem one of those women.thing 55001 - If you don't see that men and women should avoid losers, and avoid sociopaths, and simple date good/more than average people, then thats your problem. Good luck in the dating world.fslcaptain737 - OH MY GOD that link is AWESOME!Carly - Ofcourse you should feel good about yourself. And ofcourse there are egotistic men out there, which, the Sociopathic man I presented is exactly that. But, what I find interesting, is that when ever people mention how egotistical women can be, women defend it to such a degree that they feel like they could never be as bad as egotistical men.Carly - Also, about the article only presenting 4 women with this behavior.....I want to mention that in some societies, most men have terrible attitudes than women. And in other society it;s the reverse. In America, women's bad attitudes are growing in numbers to be more so than mens. I don't think it makes sense that it's equal all the time across all cultures.

Do girls shoot themselves in the foot with too high of standard for the quality of guy they want to date?
I'm 17 now, I'm always having nasty thoughts about everyone, even my family who I think I love. I can be talking to someone I like and be thinking you f*cking p*ick I hope you die and stuff like that. I have Conduct Disorder, ADHD and Asperger's Syndrome. I'm getting tested for Anti-Social Personality Disorder very soon too as I have all the symptoms. I was also diagnosed with psychopathic tendencies. I've been in over 50 fights. I went looking for a boy with my knife so I could stab him. I lie all the time, I steal from college, I try getting into fights all the time, I have been told I'm egotistical, I never feel bad about hurting people unless they're family and even then it's not that much, I am manipulative, I'm only nice when I want something, I get angry when I'm bored, I have no life plan to follow, I'm impulsive, I've been told I never take responsibility for my actions, I've broken the law many times and bragged about it, I have had behavioural problems since I was about 5-6, I used to wet the bed after the age that I should have stopped and I used to set fire to things. I'm proud of all of it. And when I saw my great grandma crying on her 103rd birthday the other day I felt nothing.

Do I think like a psychopath/sociopath?
I'm 17 now, I'm always having nasty thoughts about everyone, even my family who I think I love. I can be talking to someone I like and be thinking you f*cking p*ick I hope you die and stuff like that. I have Conduct Disorder, ADHD and Asperger's Syndrome. I'm getting tested for Anti-Social Personality Disorder very soon too as I have all the symptoms. I was also diagnosed with psychopathic tendencies. I've been in over 50 fights. I went looking for a boy with my knife so I could stab him. I lie all the time, I steal from college, I try getting into fights all the time, I have been told I'm egotistical, I never feel bad about hurting people unless they're family and even then it's not that much, I am manipulative, I'm only nice when I want something, I get angry when I'm bored, I have no life plan to follow, I'm impulsive, I've been told I never take responsibility for my actions, I've broken the law many times and bragged about it, I have had behavioural problems since I was about 5-6, I used to wet the bed after the age that I should have stopped and I used to set fire to things. And I'm proud of it all. And NO I'm not looking for attention, I just want to know if I'm going to be a sociopath/psychopath.

What are the chances of me having Anti-Social Personality Disorder?
I'm 17 now, I'm always having nasty thoughts about everyone, even my family who I think I love. I can be talking to someone I like and be thinking you f*cking p*ick I hope you die and stuff like that. I have Conduct Disorder, ADHD and Asperger's Syndrome. Could they be anything to do with this? I'm getting tested for Anti-Social Personality Disorder very soon too as I have all the symptoms. I was also diagnosed with psychopathic tendencies. I've been in over 50 fights. I went looking for a boy with my knife so I could stab him. I lie all the time, I steal from college, I try getting into fights all the time, I have been told I'm egotistical, I never feel bad about hurting people unless they're family and even then it's not that much, I am manipulative, I'm only nice when I want something, I get angry when I'm bored, I have no life plan to follow, I'm impulsive, I've been told I never take responsibility for my actions, I've broken the law many times and bragged about it, I have had behavioural problems since I was about 5-6, I used to wet the bed after the age that I should have stopped and I used to set fire to things. And I'm proud of it all.

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